Sunday, August 5, 2018

Why Is a Home Inspection Important When Buying a Home?

For a large majority of people, purchasing a home is among the biggest financial decisions you will ever make. Therefore, it's a good idea to protect yourself by knowing fi there's anything wrong about your purchase.  After all, most people inspect a used car before buying it too.

Appearances are not always what they seem. Even if the home looks impeccable, there may be undetectable problems. Don't let the agent or seller prevent you from performing your due diligence. A lot of non-visual  problems can turn out to be expensive repairs.

As a home buyer, it's very common to pay for a home inspection report.  The cost for the report ($250-$600) may save you thousands of dollars in repair costs later on. A home inspection doesn't guarantee you will know every possible problem. But you should learn about immediate and near future issues than if you hadn't inspected the home.

What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is done by a professional home inspector, licensed or unlicensed. The home inspector will physically check the HVAC system, plumbing and electrical systems, insulation, windows, doors, roof, walls, and the structural portion of the home. Following the inspection, a written report will be provided to you and your real estate agent about their review and recommendations.

It is recommended to use a professional inspector from a trusted company to perform your inspection. Don't use contractors who are doing this as a side job. Your real estate agent may be able help you with a referral in your area. Although there are not any licensing requirements for inspectors in California, there are some who are certified.

Should you be present at the inspection?
Absolutely! Although it's not mandatory you attend, you can receive some valuable information about your home from an expert.  It is wise to be there at the appointment or have a representative.   You are free to ask questions and get educated during the process.

When do I schedule the inspection?
This depends on the seller. Most sellers allow an inspection immediately after your offer is accepted. Some sellers who have an empty house will let you do an inspection before making an offer to remove that contingency. In either case, the inspection findings will let you know if you should move forward on the purchase or not.

The inspection results?
If the inspection report uncovers major problems, you may be able to negotiate with the seller to fix the problem or reduce the purchase price.

With that being said, every home has some sort of problems. This includes new construction homes. Small issues can be repaired by using a price reduction or seller to fix it.  

Remember that buying a home is one the biggest purchases in your life in the dark. Don't let the cosmetic condition fool you into thinking there's zero problems. A thorough home inspection by an experienced home inspector can help protect you from large expenses in the future. Buying a house is costly.This is not an expense to skimp on.